
Rebuilding the Detroit Community Center

Following the horrific fires on Labor Day of 2020, Nick Harville, Business Retention & Expansion Manager for SEDCOR/Marion County, and Rich Duncan, owner of Rich Duncan Construction, formed the Santiam Rebuild Coalition.

The Santiam Rebuild Coalition is a group of licensed and insured construction industry members who have committed materials and labor to fast-track a community building for Detroit—doing more together toward this goal than they could individually.

The goal is to create a self-sustaining space for the families of Detroit and visitors to safely convene, gather and grow. The center will be nearly 24,000 square feet of space that will be used for various activities.

The new space, which is supported by the donations of time and materials from a wide range of local businesses, will be used for events, offices, emergency shelter, and will include space for the fire department.

The Foundation contacted us for Mass Ply Panel materials for the structure. Pressure treated beams and columns were used in a covered front entrance, and exposed beams were used in the interior. Great job by Rich Duncan Construction and all those who have contributed to the project.

Click here to see more about the current progress of the build project.

Rendering Detroit Community CenterRendering by Studio 3 Architecture, AC+Co, and Rich Duncan Construction.


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