
Freres Lumber Company Assists in Containment Efforts During the Niagara Forest Fire

October 3, 2015

The 2015 forest fire season in Oregon has been a very busy one for the many firefighters who’ve risked their lives to quell the 43,000 fires that ravaged the Pacific Northwest. The Santiam region fell victim to a fire in the Niagara forest and Freres Lumber Company, working with local, state and federal agencies, pitched in with our team of loggers and equipment to help save it from total destruction. Here are a few images we captured while out on the front lines.

Freres Lumber

Caption: Members of the Freres Lumber Team fill an inflatable bladder with water that will later be used by firefighters.

Freres Lumber

Caption: Each truck transports 4000 gallons of water, and each bladder can hold up to 1500 gallons.

Freres Lumber

Caption: Freres Lumber spent 300 man-hours in the field with firefighters and distributed an estimated 290,000 gallons of water.

Dense forests are a breeding ground for destructive fires, such as the Niagara fire, which burned a 79-acre swath along Highway 22 near Big Cliff Reservoir. Freres Lumber Company continues to support sound forest management efforts as a means to prevent future fires and all the fearless men and women who risk everything to save our homes and livelihoods.


You can find out more about forest management and commercial thinning solutions in the recent East Oregonian article, “Smith: Commercial thinning needed to reduce wildfire threats.”


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