MPP Warehouse for Plywood Inventory

Building Efficiency

At Freres, we’re continuing to modernize our processes and facilities to meet the challenges of the day. At our plywood plant, these challenges include labor constraints and the manufacturing flexibility required to design our specialty structural panels. Our plans to address these needs and reach higher production-level goals start with creating a larger, more efficient space to store finished product.

Higher capacity, unlocked.

This new warehouse will help us meet our long-term modernization goals, providing 4 truck loading stations, 2 tarping stations, and storage for 5,000 units of plywood.

Drawing 1: Exterior rendering of building showing the south wall with window openings for natural light, parapet around the roof deck, and truck loading area.
Drawing 2: Warehouse rendering with view of north wall and interior with storage space for plywood units.

Plywood Warehouse

Plywood Warehouse

Built for Freres products, with Freres products.

While the design of the building mimics tilt-up concrete construction, all structural elements will be made with Freres’ Mass Ply Panels and Mass Ply Lams. About 30,000 cubic feet of wood will be used to construct the building, with a target completion date of July-August 2024.

Built with innovation

Our Mass Ply Panels (MPP) and Mass Ply Lams (MPL) are patented, veneer-based, engineered wood products that serve as sustainable substitutes for traditional building materials like concrete and steel.

Built for the future

This project showcases the potential of wood to compete directly with Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings (PEMB), supporting growing national interest in creating industrial buildings that are more enjoyable to work in and more sustainable to build.

Built for people

We’re not just constructing a bigger warehouse. We’re also investing in improving the workplace for our employees by providing better building, lunchroom, and parking infrastructure which will boost efficiency and enhance the environment around the mill.

We’ve contracted RLD Company to provide CNC services for many of the MPL structural beams and columns, using their Essetre CNC machine.


Made for Forward-Thinking Design

See how Freres’ engineered wood products are leading the way in progressive building construction across the U.S. and Canada.