JHL DESIGN is a multi-disciplinary, interior design studio that specializes in creating residential and industrial spaces that reflect its clients’ individual aesthetic tastes and meets their functional needs. JHL cleverly applied its signature style and vision to the remodel of its 4,000 square foot office space, using Mass Ply Panels from Freres Engineered Wood.Using MPP for an interior space is unconventional,” said Holly Freres, owner of JHL DESIGN.
“Typically MPP is used for prefabricated building and modular construction. But, we had a different idea for its use — we wanted the natural, industrial look of plywood used for interior walls and ceilings. We did this in place of traditional frames and dry wall for our library, conference room and casual meeting space. It ended up providing just the warm ambiance we envisioned.”

JHL selected MPP because it is quick to install and aesthetically warm. With 16 employees, JHL “wanted as little construction disruption and displacement as possible.“What would have taken weeks with traditional stick framing and multiple subcontractors took only six business days to complete and required one carpenter and one electrician,” said Holly.JHL also hired a painter to sand and finish the wood panels, bringing warmth to a space that previously had an open-air, warehouse vibe.

A benefit Holly realized after the project was completed is the significant decrease in ambient noise that resulted from the use of MPP as walls. The 3 ½-4-inch walls have natural insulative properties, which cut out a lot of noise coming from the halls and main office area. Even with gaps between the ceiling panels, created for aesthetic purposes as well as to allow in more natural light, the acoustic effects are substantial, according to Holly.