Timber Buying

Freres Engineered Wood is seeking timber and timberland for harvesting.

mt snowpeak ridges forest daylightWe believe that active management of timberland is essential for forest health, regeneration, and the prevention of forest fires, and that human activity can have beneficial effects on the environment and the forests we all love.

At Freres, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to managing our own timber, and we don’t expect you to either. We understand that each stand of timber has unique characteristics, and that property owners have different objectives in the management of their forests.

We can help timber owners balance these objectives to achieve a good financial outcome while focusing on the health of a property.

If you have timber or timberland for sale, we may be interested.

Please contact our team using the form below or email us.

Freres is uniquely equipped to utilize a wide variety of logs to produce innovative, mass timber products as well as carbon-sequestering byproducts like biochars.

forest harvest slope overcast snow

What do we look for?

  • Douglas Fir
  • Whitewood
  • Standing Timber
  • Timberland
  • 50+ year old timber
  • 42″ max butt size down to 5″ tops

Freres Engineered Wood and interested sellers must follow the process below:

  1. Freres and the timber seller must complete a Notification of Operation with the Oregon Department of Forestry. This can be filed electronically, but must be submitted at least 15 days prior to any timber harvesting.
  2. Freres will coordinate with a local logger to make arrangements for harvesting the timber.
  3. Freres will provide a delivered log price to the interested timber seller.

To learn more, please complete the form below or contact our team directly at timberbuyer@frereswood.com.

truck log load dirt road forest harvest

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