
An Attitude of Gratitude

It’s the season of gratitude, and we want to take a moment to reflect and shine a light on everything we are grateful for this year.

We are extremely thankful for our employees who have performed incredibly well this year under difficult circumstances caused by COVID. The flexibility they’ve shown during shifts in the markets and additional responsibilities due to staff shortages has been essential to our business.


We are also grateful for the creativity of our employees to create and build our own parts due to supply chain issues. Their hard work and dedication has helped us reach so many of our company-wide goals for 2021.

We are thankful for our customers who continued to support us and purchase our products during hard times. And we have gratitude for our community, which has stood by us.

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy this holiday season with your family and loved ones. We can’t wait to see what 2022 brings!


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