
Articles tagged “forest management”

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Wood Products Market Report: Trends and Insights

The rain hasn’t let up in Oregon, but the sunshine looks to be around the corner. The mountains have...

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The Small Business Timber Set-Aside Program

Congress established the Timber Sales Assistance Program in 1958, one of several federal natural resource assistance programs overseen by...

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Protecting Our Forests: Wildfires are the Real Threat

For more than 40 years, the anti-forestry movement rallied around saving the “last of the old growth” on federal...

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Celebrating National Forest Week: Oregon’s Contribution

The month of July was packed with holidays, barbeques, and heatwaves. We also recognized a week of celebration and...

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Healthy Oregon Forests: Refuting Elemental

As we celebrate 100 years of operation in the Santiam Canyon this year, we reflect on our roots in...

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