
Mass Ply

Learn about the advantages of these veneer-based mass timber products, exclusively patented by Freres in the U.S.

What Are Mass Ply Products?

Mass Ply products are patented, veneer-based, engineered wood products that provide superior performance characteristics over mass timber products such as CLT, Glulam beams, and solid sawn lumber. The building block of each Mass Ply Product is Freres Structural Composite Lumber (SCL), which consists of multiple layers of density-graded Douglas Fir veneers. These veneers are glued and pressed in a variety of combinations and orientations, and finally joined together to create 1” layers (called lamellas).

What are Mass Ply Products?
CLT -VS- Mass Ply

Mass Ply products are forging new ground in mid-to-high rise construction, replacing steel and concrete in buildings up to 18 stories tall.

Meyer-Beams And Panels
Mass Ply panels, beams, and columns

Mass ply Applications

The versatility and consistency of our SCL lamellas provide the ability to create engineered mass timber products in a wide array of applications such as wide-format panels, beam and column applications, and just about any industrial application utilizing heavy timbers. Each of these product lines – Mass Ply Panels, Mass Ply Lams, and Mass Ply Industrial are certified by the APA – The Engineered Wood Association.

Mass Ply Building Components


Mass Ply is a strong and versatile building material. While we are continuing to develop new applications, these are the ones most commonly used today. They are performance-proven and offer a list of job efficiency and environmental benefits.

Building the Future

Building the Future with Wood

The construction of multi-story, mass timber buildings is rapidly increasing for a variety of reasons.

  • Wood is renewable and sustainable.
  • Engineered wood products are stronger per pound than concrete and steel.
  • Manufacturing wood products requires much less energy and generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than concrete and steel.
  • Building with wood sequesters carbon for the life of the product, and new trees are planted to continue the carbon-sequestration process.
  • Mass timber has greater thermal performance.
  • Mass timber products perform predictably in fires and under seismic conditions.

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Why Mass Ply Products?

We love wood, and building with wood has significant benefits over concrete and steel. Our Mass ply products have raised the bar for mass timber construction and can out-perform lumber-based mass timber in many ways.

  • Slower char rate and more consistent fire performance
  • Superior performance over Cross Laminated Timber
  • Better dimensional stability with lower moisture content
  • Reduces volume and cost with our flexibility in panel dimensions and thickness
  • All structural elements of a building can be produced from Mass Ply, providing consistency for your project and a single-supplier solution.
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Learn about the specifications, ideal applications, storage, handling and other aspects of using Mass Ply.
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Read answers to the most common questions and concerns around the product and its uses.
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MPL Calculator

Calculate load, moment, and shear information for Mass Ply beams with this handy tool.

See what makes mass ply strong and smart

Mass Ply Case Studies

project santiam canyon school districts new high school interior

Santiam Canyon School District’s New High School

Like many public schools across the country, Santiam Canyon School District...

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Trout House CaseStudy 1

Peak Builders Ranks Freres Engineered Wood “10 Out of 10”

Aptly named the Rainbow Trout Project, this Wilson, WY jewel is...

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freres projects chemeketa mass ply

Chemeketa’s Agricultural Complex Makes Lasting Impression with Freres’ Mass Ply

In the local Native American language of the Kalapuya, Chemeketa translates...

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Our knowledgable staff is glad to answer questions, and provide helpful reference material.