
Articles tagged “veneer”

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Market Update: Western Plywood Prices

The Western Plywood Commodity markets have come alive in the past few weeks. Sales have been decent to very...

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Market Report: 2024 Wood Products Economic Forecast

If we focus solely on politics or geo-political issues, then we enter 2024 with a strong sense of foreboding....

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Market Report: A Strong End to 2023

We are approaching the shortest days of the year, but things are looking brighter for Freres Engineered Wood. In...

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The Power of Tape Composed Veneer in Plywood

Have you ever wondered about the tape on your plywood? We are proud to be at the forefront of...

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Market Report: The Federal Interest Rate Pause

The Fed’s decision to pause additional interest rate hikes will hopefully give stability to the market. Mortgage rates reached...

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Market Report: Wood Products Markets Thrive Amidst Economic Challenges

Storm clouds are brewing on the horizon from a macroeconomic perspective. The jobs report showed that nonfarm payrolls soared...

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Market Report: Plywood Sales Trends

Rising interest rates are typically disastrous for wood products markets. If you queried most producers at the beginning of...

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Danish “Hygge” Living: Scandinavian Mass Timber Apartments

It can be a touchy subject to ask a spouse to take time from a family vacation for a...

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Market Report: Peak Building Season Sparks Optimism for the Wood Industry

We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and bountiful celebrations with family and friends! The 4th of...

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