
Articles tagged “housing starts”

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Market Report: The Federal Interest Rate Pause

The Fed’s decision to pause additional interest rate hikes will hopefully give stability to the market. Mortgage rates reached...

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Market Report: Wood Products Markets Thrive Amidst Economic Challenges

Storm clouds are brewing on the horizon from a macroeconomic perspective. The jobs report showed that nonfarm payrolls soared...

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Market Report: Plywood Sales Trends

Rising interest rates are typically disastrous for wood products markets. If you queried most producers at the beginning of...

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Market Report: Peak Building Season Sparks Optimism for the Wood Industry

We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and bountiful celebrations with family and friends! The 4th of...

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Timber Update: Salvage Logging, Weather, and Regulations

The Freres Timber Department has come out of the gates at full speed through the short days and seemingly...

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February Market Report: Disrupted Supply Chains and the Panel Market

The November and December run up in panel prices began as landslides and inclement weather disrupted supply chains...

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The Future of Industrial Matting is Here

Construction crews no longer have to hassle with industrial timber mats that need to be bolted together or require...

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January Market Report: Log Costs Lead the Market

Here we go, again? For the wood products industry, December is historically a month characterized by a downturn in...

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Timber Update: Salvage Timber and Regulations

The Freres Timber Department had an extremely busy year after the September 2020 wildfires swept our timberlands. We have...

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