
Articles tagged “market update”

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April Market Update: Commodity Lumber and Panel Markets

All commodity lumber and panel markets have bottomed out and turned upward In the past week. This past downward...

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Market Report: Engineered Wood and Housing Starts

This year, U.S. housing starts are anticipated to be up four percent to 1.67 million starts. Housing permits are...

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Timber Update: Salvage Logging, Weather, and Regulations

The Freres Timber Department has come out of the gates at full speed through the short days and seemingly...

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March Market Update: The Ukraine-Russia War

Since the start of the Ukraine-Russia war, most buyers have turned cautious and bought for immediate needs. Who can...

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Market Report: Oriented Strand Board vs. Plywood

Oriented Strand Board (OSB) prices have been consistently above plywood prices the last couple of weeks. This seems like...

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Mass Timber in a Single-Building System

What is going on at Oregon State’s Advanced Wood Product Testing Lab? Mass Ply Panels (MPP) have debuted in...

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February Market Update: OSB Supply and the Plywood Market

The commodity panel markets have come alive over the past three weeks, led by OSB supply tightness due to...

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February Market Report: Disrupted Supply Chains and the Panel Market

The November and December run up in panel prices began as landslides and inclement weather disrupted supply chains...

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January Market Update: Commodity Plywood Markets Grind Higher

Prices continue to grind higher in the commodity plywood markets, with uneven participation, during the first three weeks of...

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