Span and Loading Tables
Floor Span Tables
- F16 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables - Major Strength Axis
- F16 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables with Concrete - Major Strength Axis
- F10 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables - Major Strength Axis
- F10 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables with Concrete - Major Strength Axis
- F10 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables - Minor Strength Axis
- F10 Mass Ply Maximum Span Floor Tables with Concrete - Minor Strength Axis
Roof Span Tables
Wall Loading Tables
Beam Span Tables
Use our MPL Beam Calculator for F16, F19, and F21 grades loaded in the beam orientation.
Columns Loading Table
Mass Ply FAQs
Product Reports
APA Product Reports
SWFRi Fire Test Data
Life Cycle Assessment-Mass Ply Panels (LCA)
Environmental Product Declaration-Mass Ply Panels (EPD)
- Material Safety Data for Wood Products
Life Cycle Assessment and Calculation of CO2 Removal for Biochar
- Biochar Safety Data Sheet
- Mass Ply Panel Point-Supported Slab Test
Design Documents
Mass Ply panels are treated like CLT panels for design. Reference the CLT Handbook and the NDS for more details. All design shall be provided by a licensed professional.
One of the largest privately-owned, independent wood products manufacturers on the West Coast, Freres has a history of being mindful about its environmental impact and observing sustainable management practices throughout its three operations—Freres Engineered Wood, Freres Timber and Evergreen BioPower LCC. Freres has earned its place as a wood products industry leader in sustainable practices by being stewards of the land, committing to sustainable practices, and investing in innovative products and processes.
Case Studies
- Buildhouse Re-Imagines A-Frame Design with Freres’ MPP
- Chemeketa’s Agricultural Complex Makes Lasting Impression with Freres
- Unconventional Interior Use of MPP Results in Significant Acoustic Benefits
- Meyer Memorial Trust’s Civic-Minded Approach to New Headquarters Re-Imagines Building Design as “Building Democracy”
- OMSI Modernizes Camp Hancock Using MPP
- Gurnet Point’s Project One Achieves Greater Construction Efficiency with Innovative Design-Build Strategy
- Santiam Canyon School District Chooses MPP for Functionality, Speed of Construction, and Community Pride
- Peak Builders Ranks Freres “10 Out of 10”
- Freres’ Pre-Fabricated MPP Helps Solve Labor Shortage for Union Gospel Mission Men’s Shelter