
Articles tagged “industry news”

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Market Report: Mass Ply Market Robust, Plywood Improves

The Mass Ply facility is booked for the next several months at our current production levels. This is extremely...

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The Labor Shortage and a Freres Solution

Labor shortages have been acute since COVID, and have directly affected two essential metrics for a manufacturing facility like...

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Market Report: The 2023 Wood Products Market

2023 began with a negative tone in wood products markets. Interest rate increases in early 2022 and the subsequent...

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Market Report: Encouraging Panel Sales as We Approach 2023

Panel sales volume over the last three weeks has been encouraging with escalating sales volume week over week. Pricing...

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Market Report: Interest Rates and the Wood Products Markets

There are never boring days in wood products markets! Conflicting signals abound and the market is finding scant reasons...

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Market Report: An Apprehensive Market

The general tenor of the marketplace is apprehensive. Macro-economic discussions, such as federal interest rate hikes and the consequent...

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Timber Update: A Wet Spring and Busy Summer

The second quarter has come and gone with one of the wettest springs in history, which means an incredible...

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Market Report: Interest Rate Increases Impact Engineered Wood Markets

Current macroeconomic news doesn’t give optimists much to be excited about. Interest rate increases, which were intended to tame...

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Market Report: Plywood Prices Increase

Plywood sales strengthened considerably over the last two weeks with enough volume sold to move existing inventories and extend...

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